DKI Parker – Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips

Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips:

  1. Make a schedule

Ensure you have a checklist for each room of your home. Don’t forget to include all safety equipment such as smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.


  1. De-clutter your home

Have a system in place to donate or dispose of any items that have not been in use for over a year.

Note: Hoarding can be a fire safety concern, ensure you have each hallway and room in your home accessible for the fire department in case of an emergency.


  1. Be Safe & Green

Using the proper safety gear such as rubber gloves and eye protection for some special projects is a wise thing to do.  We recommend using environmentally friendly cleaners.

Many items can be cleaned with just plain vinegar and water, saving you money as well as helping the environment.


  1. Gravity Matters

Always work from the top to bottom. Ensure you start with light fixtures, ceiling fans and book shelves prior to lower furniture such as coffee tables, chairs, etc.


  1. Clean inside prior to cleaning outside

Take advantage of the April Showers to get the inside of your home cleaned. Then you can move on to the outdoor tasks when the nicer weather comes.


  1. Don’t forget your large appliances

Remember to clean all your large appliances, such as vacuuming behind your fridge or cleaning your dishwasher and laundry machine to ensure they keep working at their best. Also, checking the lint in your dryer is a good idea to prevent possible fire hazards.


  1. Air Ducts

Once the weather changes and you no longer require your heating or cooling system to be on at all times, take advantage of that time and call a professional duct cleaner. This will help ensure your family is safe from dust and other airborne particles that may have accumulated over the year.


  1. Walls & Windows

We tend to take inside walls for granted, take a damp cloth and remove all dust from top to bottom. Don’t forget the creases of your baseboards. This may also be a good time to think of fresh paint, if needed. Cleaning windows is also a good idea to take full advantage of the sunlight shining through!


  1. Floor Tile & Grout

We clean our floors on a weekly basis, but how often do we scrub our grout? One easy way, is to take old toothbrushes and a cleaning solution (try water and vinegar) and scrub away! Another option would be to call a professional if cleaning the grout is too difficult alone.


  1. Delegate

There may be some jobs that we recommend you contact a professional for, such as chimney sweeping and lawn aeration. You should also contact a mechanical contractor to perform the preventative maintenance on your heating and cooling units.

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